Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Happy Halloween! I bought a pumpkin to carve, but didn't take the time to carve it until today at 5:30 p.m. Can you tell what I was trying to carve? We had fun tonight seeing all the trick-or-treaters.
This past weekend we went to see the movie Into the Wild. We read the book together a while back. It was a good movie, but I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. Because of the movie, our son is not allowed to know about Alaska. Then on Saturday we helped Julie celebrate her 30th b-day! It was a fun day and hopefully she was at least a little surprised. Sunday marked the beginning of week 29. I am amazed at how fast this is going. One day this week I could have sworn that the little guy was inside my rib cage. Luckily he moves a lot.

Yesterday we took our first child preparation class, entitled "Baby Basics". It was a very high level class, but was good info for us. They had baby dolls for each of the couples there to use to practice putting on a diaper and swaddling. Well as 'luck' would have it, we were the only couple in the class who got a handmade cloth doll. Here's a picture of her all wrapped up.
When we moved the blanket that was sitting on our 'baby' to swaddle it, we were in for a big shock! Our 'baby' had hair in places that babies should not have hair. We spent the rest of the class trying to contain our laughter (but not doing a very good job). We're not sure why we were given a teenager instead of a baby to practice swadling on, but it was highly disturbing and hilarious at the same time.

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