Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Light speed

 Here's a light speed version of late August - December 2013!

8/24 - we helped throw a 60th birthday party for Jason's mom.  We had a family party at April's house and then went to a super fun piano bar that evening for a family/co-worker party. 
 8/31 - One of Josiah's best friends (Jack) came over for a sleepover.
 9/3 - boys playing in the ash pile (we get a lot of ash from our wood burning furnace).  Too cute to not share.  Hey, remember when we could wear shorts?  Me neither.
 9/21 - we went to Kansas City for a great time with friends for our annual Oktoberfest tradition!  Fun to visit our KC church on Sunday.  Levi thought I was going to leave him here.  Just a few feet away taking a picture.  He's not that attached to me anymore!
 9/23 - went to the park with some friends and superheroes. 

 9/27 - I went to Seattle to visit my best friend and her family.  It was a great time!
 We went to Prosser, WA for a hot air balloon festival.  The balloons never actually took flight due to the weather, but we had fun anyway!  We made a pit stop in Grandview, WA - some of Jason's family still lives here (hence the photo op).  His mom was born in Prosser!

 10/11 - our great friends (the Hardins) visited and we had a blast at Silver Dollar City (and just hanging out).

 10/19 - at the last minute we decided to drive up to Omaha for the weekend to surprise my family during the Fultz family reunion (my mom's side).  Got to see my uncle & aunt whom I hadn't seen in 9 years and my cousin whom I hadn't seen in probably 12+ years (they all live in North Dakota).  Also my great aunt from south Texas who we only see every couple of years.  It was fun to walk in and shock everyone. :)
 10/26 - we went to Kansas City for the Rugged Maniac race (5k obstacle/mud run) and a getaway date weekend.  Here's a before picture:
 and after.  It was really challenging but we had a lot of fun!  The hardest part was the running because it was at snow creek ski resort, so we were running up and down ski slopes. 
 Then we went out for dinner and a movie.  It was nice to get away for a couple of days.  Thanks to Debby for taking care of the kids!

 Our last stop on the way out of KC.  Why did Trader Joe's come to KC after we moved away?  I'm not bitter or anything.

 10/28-10/31 - Halloween fun.  At the park they had an egg hunt (they were black and orange plastic eggs but I still kept looking for the Easter bunny).  Levi is Bumblebee.
 Josiah was Batman at the park,
and then was Optimus Prime for trick-or-treating. 

 Then there was a big gap where I didn't take many pictures.  Levi started getting a little bit interested in potty training during the first part of November. 

11/28 - went to visit my side of the family for Thanksgiving and to celebrate and early birthday for Josiah.

 On 12/5 we got a bunch of snow and ice.  12/6 was Josiah's birthday, but school was cancelled due to slick roads.  We had his party on 12/7 at Castle Rock water park - a stark contrast what was going on outside!  It was a slow drive to get there but everyone made it safely and we had a fun time!

 12/8 - more birthday celebrating!  Jason's parents came over and helped Josiah feel spoiled, er I mean special.  :)

 12/10 - more snow.  Our snowman had an icicle for a nose.  Josiah was very proud of it.
 12/19 - Josiah's school Christmas program.  He did a great job!
 12/21 - celebrate Christmas with my side of the family.  The kids made treats and had a lot of fun devouring them.

 12/22 - our good friends were in Columbia celebrating Christmas with Genevieve's brother (whose wife is Jason's first cousin once removed), so it was great to be able to hang out with them for a bit!
 Christmas at my cousin's house.
 12/25 - Levi threw up Christmas morning.  Not the best present I've ever received.  But he seemed to feel better afterwards.  Still enjoyed opening gifts and spending a quiet morning at home. 
12/28 - Just because they're cute.

Also on 12/28 - We celebrated Christmas with Jason's side of the family.  Instead of exchanging gifts, we played some minute-to-win-it games.  Everyone was able to participate (although Levi made up his own rules), and we had a lot of laughs.  It was a very refreshing change of pace! 
 Then we gathered some food we had all brought and played a game called ding dong ditch.  We knew a couple of families who were in need, so we drove to their houses, left food on the doorstep, rang the doorbell and ran!  The kids thought this was a blast. 
It was a great Christmas season and I am thankful for all of our family! 

Good-bye 2013 and hello to being almost caught up with blogging!